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DeFi is slowing, but crypto and bitcoin prices may end year a winner

Trading volume on decentralized exchanges has slowed, but BTC prices and cryptocurrency market cap are at all-time highs. Is this 2017 all over again?

Hong Kong’s new crypto exchange laws will be embraced—with VPNs

Hong Kong SFC lays out plan to regulate cryptocurrency exchanges to allow only institutional money. But retail users likely won’t be deterred.

Why China pulled the rug and Ant Group’s historic IPO stumbled

After regulators intervened, Chinese fintech giant Ant Group will now return billions to investors over its withdrawn IPO. Did Jack Ma say something wrong?

Ep. 37 | JPMorgan’s JPM Coin goes live. ConsenSys fueling CBDCs worldwide. Is DBS Bank planning a cryptocurrency exchange?

Other top blockchain and cryptocurrency news: Bitcoin paper’s 12th anniversary. New Huawei phone has DCEP wallet. FDA on blockchain and food safety.

On election night, TRUMP and BIDEN tokens put crypto futures to test

Political betting markets are nothing new, but 2020’s is taking on a cryptocurrency twist. Which candidate is winning the crypto futures market?

Hong Kong and now Australia heating up global digital currency race

China’s DCEP digital yuan and new US interest in digital dollar are fueling sense of urgency on CBDCs — as blockchain firm ConsenSys paves the way.

Cryptocurrency’s carbon footprint is massive and not sustainable

Bitcoin and crypto mining now use more energy than some nations. To help lead fintech into a greener future, Ripple pledges to be carbon net-zero by 2030.

Filecoin mainnet launch brings Web 3.0 apps to the mainstream

After some early turbulence, Filecoin is now opening up applications like video streaming and social networks that used to exist only in centralized Web 2.0.

TALES FROM THE CRYPT: 10 blockchain and Bitcoin horror stories for the ages

Just in time for Halloween, gather ’round for this blood-curdling crypto news flashback that will have you HODLing a blanket. Beware the death grip on Bitcoin wallets!

Why India’s crypto industry needs regulatory clarity more than ever

India is now a vibrant cryptocurrency hub, but its future remains uncertain. Sathvik Viswanath of Unocoin explains what’s holding back the nation of 1.3 billion.

Ep. 36 | Bitcoin prices rise on PayPal cryptocurrency news. US wary of CBDC as China enacts digital currency law for DCEP rollout.

Other top crypto and blockchain news: USDC stablecoin coming to Solana blockchain. Investing in KYC/AML in India.

How serious is the FDA in pursuing blockchain for food safety?

Despite talk, US Food and Drug Administration has not explored blockchain for food safety in meaningful ways, according to a Forkast.News investigation

Chinese tech titan Jack Ma: digital currencies may be wave of future

Poised for historic IPO, Ant Group reveals via patent filings its business strategies for China’s new DCEP digital yuan — including how it would help enforce government regulations

How blockchain could remix the music industry (and why it hasn’t yet)

Most artists earn a pittance and have little bargaining power against record labels and streaming platforms. But blockchain could level the playing field.

Cities are smarter than ever. But at what cost to privacy?

Smart cities could boost sustainability and quality of urban life, but some worry about privacy and data security. Can blockchain offer trusted solutions?

Why DeFi’s exponential growth is not a bubble and will ‘keep soaring’

Risks, bugs and mistakes are a necessary part of DeFi’s evolution — just like the early days of the internet, writes Justin Banon of Boson Protocol

Macau is using blockchain to bring back tourists. Is Hong Kong next?

A blockchain-based health code system that can certify a visitor’s Covid-free status has reopened travel between Macau and mainland China

Ep. 35 | Filecoin launch hits miner turbulence. USDC adds Stellar to rely less on Ethereum. Associated Press to publish US elections data on blockchain.

Other top news: OKEx cryptocurrency exchange freezes services amid police investigation. Investors bet $100 million on ‘neobank’ Razorpay in India

Why blockchain and crypto regulations are ‘necessary evil’ for US and Europe

Regulatory finesse toward cryptocurrency and DeFi will spur investment while not stifling innovation, says Alex Tapscott of Blockchain Research Institute

What’s up with Filecoin and the uproar over its miners?

Miners’ complaints with economic model are resulting in early rewards release and falling FIL prices. What happened to 800,000 coins?

How China is embracing blockchain, from DCEP to BSN

Blockchain has become a national priority in China’s public and private sectors, in contrast to many Western governments’ approach to cryptocurrency.

Filecoin launches mainnet in competitive blockchain cloud storage market

Kraken, Huobi and Gemini have all confirmed that they will list the token days after Filecoin rival EOS confirms its deal with Google

Blockchain and Space Law 3.0: How smart contracts can help govern the moon and outer space

As nations and private firms venture farther into the galaxy, blockchain and distributed ledger technology could help enforce rules and resolve conflicts.

Blockchain VC deals are on the upswing despite Covid-19

PwC and Crunchbase data show cryptocurrency industry M&A deals and venture capital funding already surpassing last year’s volumes, with investments shifting to Asia

PwC’s ‘Time for Trust’ report misses mark on blockchain in China

The ‘Time for Trust’ report downplays the growing impact that blockchain is having on China’s economy. Here’s what’s really going on with this technology.

Ep. 34 | Square buys $50 million worth of bitcoin. Google Cloud bets on EOS blockchain. CBDCs ramp up around the world.

Other top news: China accelerates digital currency testing with 50,000 e-RMB ‘red packets.’ Hong Kong as DCEP’s future sandbox. VC in India.

China pushes 50,000 people to spend DCEP right away, in biggest test yet of new digital currency

China advances its new e-RMB closer to launch after distributing to Shenzhen residents 10 million yuan in digital ‘red packets’ that will expire next week

As nations race CBDCs to market, are they repeating mistakes of the past?

Digital currency efforts now mirror global economic rivalries, with China’s DCEP leading the pack. Central banks would be wise to avoid these pitfalls.

Congested Ethereum hosts 96% of DeFi transactions. Who are its up-and-coming competitors?

2020 is banner year for DeFi as industry balloons by over $100 billion in volume from Q2 to Q3 — most of it riding on Ethereum, according to a new report

US regulators are finally lining up over digital assets

A recent flurry of US regulatory activity is helping legitimize the digital assets space. Here’s the latest on SEC, FINRA, CFTC and OCC’s new level of coordination.

Is DeFi a $10 billion Ponzi scheme?

The risk of getting scammed is real, but DeFi also offers investors opportunities to earn yields in this pandemic economy, says Two Prime CEO Marc Fleury.

Ep. 33 | BitMEX and John McAfee in legal hot water. Who is the cryptocurrency market betting on to be the next US president?

Other top news: Filecoin’s mainnet set to launch. Chinese banks help DCEP digital currency get market-ready. NetEase to preserve email forevermore.

Trump’s Covid ills are infecting cryptocurrency betting markets

Are US presidential candidate futures an accurate gauge of public opinion? Cryptocurrency exchange FTX’s TRUMP and BIDEN prices offer clues.

Arthur Hayes of BitMEX not likely to leave Hong Kong anytime soon, but DeFi faces crossroads

BitMEX’s CEO, who faces money-laundering charges, may be the beneficiary of Hong Kong’s political turmoil and current lack of an extradition treaty with US government

Power over Bitcoin is held by a few. Is it at risk of a 51% attack?

In a special interview, Konstantin Richter of Blockdaemon also discusses the critical role of government in encouraging greater blockchain adoption.

Why blockchain and crowdfunding are mutually beneficial technologies

The $14 billion global crowdfunding market is expected to triple by 2026. Here’s how blockchain is fueling this trend.

DeFi with Chinese characteristics? How China may centralize crypto finance

As Wild West DeFi surges to new heights with Chinese capital, China wants to build a separate digital finance network — in its own, tightly controlled image.

Cryptocurrency futures give thumbs down to Trump’s debate performance

FTX cryptocurrency traders are dumping TRUMP after the first US presidential debate, a raucous affair punctuated by insults and interruptions.

How bitcoin could offer a hedge as markets hit peak dislocation

Massive public spending, supply chain disruptions and ballooning debt are a volatile mix for investors. Here’s why bitcoin should be part of a balanced portfolio in this pandemic economy.

Little Coda Protocol changes name to Mina after tussle with heavyweights

“We’ve come to understand that we are more than just a name,” says the team no longer named Coda, after getting sued by Wall Street-backed R3 over its Corda trademark.

Ep. 32 | Bithumb on the block amid fraud probe. Wealthsimple debuts Canada’s first regulated crypto exchange. BitFlyer permits BTC buys via PayPal.

Other top news: Ant Group launches blockchain platform for cross-border trade. China makes Beijing, Hunan and Anhui into special free trade zones.

Whistleblower accuses Chinese crypto lender Babel Finance of misusing funds

Anonymous critics take to social media to claim that Babel is recklessly speculating with investor and client funds. The company denies wrongdoing.

US bills could shake up cryptocurrency exchanges and ICO prosecutions

Proposed federal laws would upend SEC rules for digital tokens and give CFTC sweeping powers. Will it be enough to rein in crypto’s Wild West ways?

Blockchain is shooting for the stars in the new Space Age

In the first of a special two-part series, Forkast.News examines how blockchain — from smart contracts to crowdfunding missions — could transform public and private ventures in outer space.

Ep. 31 | FinCEN files tie big banks to $2 trillion in crimes. Tezos tapped to explore CBDC for France.

More top news: Wounded Unikr settles with SEC for $6.1 million. China’s nationwide blockchain service network launches ‘public permissioned’ chain.

China’s national blockchain network offers 24 new chains to users for free—with a catch

China’s latest state-backed blockchain initiative’s official name proclaims that it is ‘public.’ But is it really? Forkast.News explains.

Why cryptocurrency exchanges need more regulations to protect investors

Being dodgy about office location and faking volume data are all part of Asian crypto exchanges’ Wild West ethos. What are the alternatives for investors?

How smart contracts can help govern and mine resources in outer space

Blockchain and space expert Brian Israel of UC Berkeley Law discusses space regulations, carbon credit trading and more in this special Forkast.News interview.

US private equity activity takes a walloping due to Covid-19

Deals in mid-size firms that make up the engine of the economy were down as exits were put on pause — but fintech and broader tech sector still shine bright

What China’s New Era politics means for the digital economy and decentralized finance

Access to China’s cryptocurrency market will accelerate as long as the government can keep out criminal activity, writes James Gillingham of Finxflo.

Ep. 30 | DeFi gets fishier with Sashimiswap. MasterCard stages CBDC cosplay. IRS targets Monero and Bitcoin Lightning Network.

More top news: OKLink offers free cryptocurrency tracker. Trade fair in China introduces blockchain ideas to 20,000 companies.

Esports gambling platform Unikrn settles with SEC for $6.1 million

SEC’s crackdown comes as more states permit online gambling, putting a further squeeze on the company once backed by celebrities like Ashton Kutcher.

How blockchain is reforming the colored gemstone trade, from ‘mine to finger’

Everledger CEO Leanne Kemp explains blockchain’s role in promoting ethical labor and confidence in goods like wine. Are less toxic electric cars next?

How DeFi’s massive 8-fold growth brings scaling, gas fees challenges

In a special interview, Alchemy CEO Nikil Viswanathan discusses blockchain as the next internet, keen interest from investors like Charles Schwab, and the hottest cryptocurrency trend since ICOs.

Rented hash power for 51% attacks is a ‘huge vulnerability’ for proof-of-work blockchains, says ETC Labs CEO

Ethereum Classic Labs CEO Terry Culver calls the hash rental market shady “like under a rock somewhere…. They’re basically money laundering operations.”

The World War of Digital Currencies: Is it too late for South Korea?

As China muscles DCEP to market and the U.S. enlists MIT for a future digital dollar, South Korea struggles to find its place in the crypto economy.

DeFi is crypto’s latest craze, and it may soon challenge traditional banks

Excessive money printing and near-zero returns on bonds are making investors flock to fancy cryptocurrency derivatives and 8% yields. What’s the catch?

Ep. 29 | DeFi surges to dizzying heights. Brazil jumps into CBDC race. Swiss ‘Crypto Valley’ tax collectors will soon accept bitcoin.

In other news: Public gets sneak peek at China’s digital currency DCEP in flash testing. US-China trade war threatens SMIC and bitcoin mining.

Proposed sanctions on SMIC threatens silicon supply for China’s bitcoin miners

Caught in the US-China trade war crossfire, the semiconductor manufacturer’s shares tumbled alongside Beijing’s fading dreams of a domestic silicon supply.

Conflux’s Open DeFi project aims to bridge East and West — with its own cryptocurrency in China

Despite China’s bans on crypto and ICOs, the permissionless blockchain protocol has also done a ‘regulatory compliant fundraise.’ How is Conflux pulling it off?

How Ethereum Classic’s 51% attacks reveal risks to Bitcoin and Ethereum

ETC’s recent hacks may be an occupational hazard of ‘proof-of-work’ blockchains, including BTC and ETH. Is going ‘proof of stake’ the answer?

Filecoin’s mainnet aims for the clouds of Web 3.0

Web 2.0 gave users the power to engage with other users and contribute content to the network, but data is still stored in centralized databases. Web 3.0 wants to end all of that.

Are blockchain game voxels the new square foot?

From CryptoKitty pets to metaverses like Minecraft and Decentraland, blockchain video games are redefining what it means to own virtual property.

Why blockchain is the trust-building technology our post-Covid world needs

By promoting transparency and data security, blockchain is poised to transform international trade. Dr. Geoff Jiang of Ant Group explains how.

Ep. 28 | FTX buys Blockfolio in $150 million deal. What’s up with the 300 crypto-terror accounts? China forks BSN to retain control.

Also: Japan’s deputy PM Taro Aso urges greater blockchain cooperation. Inner Mongolia raises bitcoin mining costs. Fintech investments in S. Korea.

Will Ethereum 2.0’s launch be blockchain’s iPhone moment?

Released this week after much anticipation, Eth2 could finally become “the world’s computer” that the original Ethereum aspired to be. What challenges lie ahead?

Why decentralization and democratic governance are blockchain myths

Many blockchain protocols claim to be decentralized, but industry practices show the opposite. Even Bitcoin is largely controlled by a few.

Joe Lubin of ConsenSys on acquiring Quorum: ‘a match made in blockchain heaven’

In a special Forkast.News interview, the CEO who co-founded Ethereum discusses the deal with JPMorgan, DeFi’s rise, and expectations for Ethereum 2.0.

Ep. 27 | YFI soars past bitcoin. ConsenSys acquires JPMorgan’s Quorum blockchain. OMG Network integrates Tether transfers.

Other top news: $50 billion in cryptocurrency leaves China. Severe flooding in Sichuan destroys bitcoin mining farms. DeFi in India.

How cryptocurrency fuels protests and anti-government movements

As mass demonstrations rock the world, technologies like blockchain, social media and AI are escalating unrest and state crackdowns to the next level.

What is the secret to Conflux Network’s success in China?

Conflux wins rare endorsements from Shanghai and Hunan provincial governments as other blockchain firms struggle for a toehold on the mainland.

What the Twitter hack reveals about the need for digital identity security

Could blockchain technology and decentralized ID verification have prevented all those VIP Twitter accounts from being commandeered for a bitcoin scam?