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As China’s DCEP approaches launch, Facebook’s Libra pivots

This week has been one where big changes came fast and furious on the opposite sides of the central bank digital currency world.  First, alleged screenshots of a mockup of the People’s Bank of China central bank digital currency’s mobile app were published, giving the public a taste of the apparent functionality of the platform […]

Ep. 8 | Reddit crypto awards, Ripple coupling with BoA, blockchain boozes up in China, and more

Also: Dozens of crypto firms sued in 11 class-action lawsuits. Bitcoin mining company Canaan bleeds red ink. Fintech funding in India, and more.

Why invest in Bitcoin when global markets are still a hot Covid mess?

Bitcoin’s tumbling prices during the coronavirus pandemic may be an opportunity to buy the dip.

Why Canaan’s red ink illustrates the big challenges now facing crypto mining

Aside from concerns about mismanagement, what else is causing Canaan to flounder? Forkast.News analyzes Canaan and the many storms — including the Covid economy and the next Bitcoin halving — now rocking the world of crypto mining.

Ep. 7 | Binance buys CoinMarketCap, Toilet Paper Token skunks Bitcoin, China pulls ahead in patent race, and more

Other top news: Blockchain in TV and film. Going Dutch on Covid. Nodle’s new network. BMW tracking auto parts. House rentals in new intelligent city

VC deals are slowing in Covid-19 headwinds. Will we see bigger disruption?

Investment totals are down, but deals are still being inked and alternative fundraising methods are flourishing. What kind of investments will thrive? And which ones will likely flop?

Why South Korea’s new law against bitcoin and other crypto could damage its DeFi sector

The financial watchdog’s ruling would prevent cash from being loaned out for bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. Forkast.News analyzes its likely impact on the sector.

Safe havens like bitcoin and gold are sinking in this pandemic economy. Where can investors find shelter?

As Covid-19 roils markets and currencies, next-generation algorithmic stablecoins may offer a smoother ride.

How China hot-housed a new technology and 35,000 ‘blockchain’ companies bloomed

China is trying to grow its blockchain industry, but are all these startups for real? Forkast.News dives into the data to find the truth behind the numbers.

Ep. 6 | New blockchain arsenal to fight Covid-19, Zoom cancels Facebook, coronavirus wipes out Digital Farms, and more

Other top headlines from around the world: Microsoft wants to power mining with brain waves. Crypto exchanges Huobi and OKEx under fire. China shifts to digitally sweep ancestral graves.

Bitcoin’s ‘black swan event’ — should investors worry?

BTC’s recent tumbles and movements with the rest of market may be an anomaly and opportunity for investors.

Ep. 5 | U.S. weighs digital dollar, Coinbase top lawyer joins Treasury, and more

In this newsletter and podcast, we bring you top headlines around the world, including: A new proposal to create a digital dollar. Coinbase’s legal chief heading U.S. Treasury. A Bitcoin-Red Cross coronavirus fundraiser in Italy. Universal basic income’s revival. Steem’s hard fork into Hive, and more.

Analysis: Are the ‘digital dollars’ in the $2 trillion stimulus plan the first step toward an American CBDC?

Coronavirus’ impact on the U.S. economy might hasten the creation of a digital dollar.

Complying with anti-money laundering regulations is a growing need for crypto companies

FATF is setting international standards, shifting the crypto world from a “wild west” mentality to a more compliant space, says CoolBitX CEO Michael Ou.

Is death of the STO an exaggeration – or market reality?

Despite all signs that interest just isn’t there for STOs, and ICOs are too tarnished by scams to be a legitimate investment vehicle, this investor thinks there’s life left in both.

Asia has ‘crypto groove’ – and Korea’s mom and pop shops are helping lead the way

Asia’s blockchain and cryptocurrency projects have more vitality than other regions, says the chairman of the Cardano Foundation. But he also notes the variations within the region. How does Hong Kong differ from Vietnam and Singapore?

Ep. 3 | Top blockchain news on China, France and S. Korea – and a new Ethereum protocol. What’s next for India?

What’s up with South Korea’s new blockchain regulations? And where is bitcoin now legal tender? (Mai oui!) Other headlines around the world: a storm over STEEM, the new Baseline protocol for privacy, HTC’s Exodus 5G Hub, and how the coronavirus has affected blockchain firms in China.

Going for gold amid coronavirus recession fears

Gold bars are unwieldy. Gold futures and ETFs carry risks. Can gold-backed crypto, or tokenized gold, be a safer hedge during the current market tumult?

How bitcoin is helping African migrant workers and their families save money

Blockchain technology now offers hope to radically transform the African remittances industry in favor of migrant workers and their families.

India crypto leader calls Supreme Court victory against central bank ‘game changer’ for industry

India’s crypto sector saw a major boost after its Supreme Court ruled to lift a ban on crypto trading, paving the way for more blockchain development.

Tokenized gold: smart investment as coronavirus fuels economic turmoil?

Coronavirus fears are sending markets tumbling. Could tokenized gold, or gold-backed crypto, be the next-generation investment in times of economic trouble?

Blockchain and telecom: HTC’s blockchain phone isn’t what you think it is

Blockchain phones aren’t yet able to offer the ability to provide total security for your data.

IRS crypto summit airs many questions

Specific identification, hard forks and mainstream use: U.S. crypto investors are scrambling to figure out how new guidelines will affect their tax returns.

Crypto has the potential to revitalize India’s economy

The uncertain legal status of cryptocurrencies is under the microscope in India.

Ep. 2 | Lightning Loop, SEC’s crypto safe harbor, Zcash vote on mining rewards

In this episode: Lightning Loop as the Visa of bitcoin, SEC’s crypto safe harbor, and Zcash voting to give 20% of funds to developers

What does the future hold for blockchain in India?

Blockchain has had an interesting, albeit slightly paradoxical journey in India. On one hand, the technology itself has seen great support from the startup ecosystem as well as the Government. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies have faced huge regulatory hurdles in India, such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issuing a directive to ring-fence regulated entities like banks from the risk of trading virtual assets.

Vitalik Buterin explains how Ethereum 2.0’s launch would unfold

In a 2019 speech, the visionary creator and co-founder of Ethereum describes Eth2’s launch in phases, including proof of stake, data sharding and scaling.

Are PewDiePie, Manny Pacquiao and Spencer Dinwiddie riding the blockchain wave?

As bold-face names in entertainment and sports like PewDiePie, Manny Pacquiao and Spencer Dinwiddie dabble in blockchain technology, their use of cryptocurrency signal a growing shift toward grassroots financing and cutting out traditional middlemen. But some celebrities are finding a legal minefield.

Swiss Bankers Association wants to help blockchain firms do business

The Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) is seeking ways to bridge the traditional financial sector to new blockchain-related industries, including ways to open bank accounts, says said SBA deputy CEO August Benz.

How Swiss banks seek to link traditional finance to blockchain

The Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) is seeking ways to bridge the traditional financial sector to new blockchain-related industries, including ways to open bank accounts, says said SBA deputy CEO August Benz.

‘Crypto Congressman’ ex Rep. Jason Hsu: Taiwan is losing momentum in blockchain

Taiwan’s cryptocurrency evangelist and former congressman says the island is falling behind in STO guidelines, fintech regulations and forming a tech hub.

Digital commerce leader ‘gravely concerned’ over U.S. losing edge in tech, global reserves

The Chamber of Digital Commerce is “gravely concerned” about how the U.S. Government is addressing technological challenges and opportunities posed by blockchain according to founder and president Perianne Boring. The U.S. could be ceding technological leadership as well as the dollar’s reserve currency status to other nations including China if it does not revamp policies toward emerging blockchain innovation.

Will China’s digital currency or Facebook’s Libra challenge Ripple’s cross-border money transfers?

As China, Singapore, Canada and other countries develop digital currencies in part to facilitate cross-border transactions, Ripple’s managing director of South Asia and EMEA Navin Gupta said these currencies would primarily only be used domestically.

Tech is making Chinese charities more transparent

The modern convenience of Alibaba enables rapid, on-demand consumerism that’s worth tens of billions of dollars. So what if Alibaba — and its competitors — turned the technological might that it used to develop modern Chinese consumerism over to developing modern Chinese charity?

Chinese telecoms are racing to add blockchain to mobile services

Telecom operators are using blockchain technology for digital identity management, more efficient roaming and combating fraud.

After China’s digital currency, Indonesia may blueprint its own in 2020

As China’s digital currency is said to be “progressing smoothly,” Indonesia is also working on releasing their own white paper this year, according to Indonesian Blockchain Association cofounder Pandu Sastrowardoyo.

Indonesia’s decentralized island society makes blockchain a must-have | Opinion

Indonesia is a country of 17,508 islands and 260 million people, including 171 million internet users. It’s a huge market, dominated by the digital economy that’s ripe for blockchain disruption.

China’s blockchain education shortage curbs its global ambitions

Universities simply haven’t caught on to the need for blockchain education as they grapple with teaching other emerging technologies, such as big data or AI.

Switzerland is a blockchain haven, but government lags behind, says Trust Square CEO

Although Switzerland’s Crypto Valley may seek to become a global blockchain hub, its government is too slow to adopt the technology even as Facebook’s Libra incorporates in the country, according to Trust Square cofounder Daniel Gasteiger.

Inside China’s vision to globalize its currency

The central bank’s digital currency efforts, ironically, would give it more control over the economy.

Privacy doesn’t equal anonymity on blockchain, says Concordium CEO

Identification on a protocol level could help blockchain become mainstream for blue-chip companies like MasterCard, Volvo and Geely if international regulations are met. Anonymity is “exactly what is hindering wider use of blockchain,” said Concordium CEO Lone Fonss Schroder.

‘China’s developers aren’t most creative,’ but there’s power in numbers to excel

China’s enormous market of 1.4 billion people means there is a large pool of human resources that can drive blockchain development and adoption, especially in the wake of endorsement from President Xi Jinping. Blockshine founder and CEO Layla Dong explains how China’s burgeoning market can boost blockchain development.

Facebook’s Libra will push regulators to take a stance, says R3 chief David E. Rutter

And that’s a good thing for legitimizing blockchain and paving the way to tokenize real assets across industries, the enterprise blockchain creator said at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2019.

Chainlink among top crypto performers in October—Fintech Advisory Services report

The Fintech Advisory Services monthly report details the main crypto-metrics and indicators for the past month: News, Market Performance, Networks, Mining Activity, Public Sentiment, and Academic Publications. The report also covers the latest “Hot Topics” in the crypto space. This month: Facebook’s Libra, Telegram’s TON, China’s CBDC, and quantum computing.

China’s blockchain talent is driving an investment boom

Investment in Chinese blockchain projects reached USD$367.7 million in the first half of 2019. Blockchain Global CEO Sam Lee says Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent have fueled a breadth of tech talent.

Will China’s digital currency disrupt remittances? Not so fast, says TransferWise’s CEO

The PBOC’s new token could wipe out the need for remittance services like TransferWise. But if the eurozone is any foreshadowing, uniting several countries with a single currency is a complicated endeavor.

Binance’s corporate registration in China lapsed in 2018

The crypto exchange has a presence in China, but not an official registration.

ConsenSys founder Joseph Lubin says Ethereum can be a trust layer for the planet

Ethereum has amassed a nearly unbeatable network effect, but regulatory compliance is still a major hurdle.

Gibraltar is pioneering creation of blockchain ecosystems, says FM

“We want to keep at the forefront of the regulatory framework to make sure that what we’ve got is fit for purpose and works well for our stakeholders.”

In Conversation with Da Hongfei, Neo: China-Born Digital Asset Protocol

Chinese blockchain companies received a substantial windfall following President Xi Jinping’s bullish support for the development of the technology, and Shanghai-based Neo was one such enterprise. Forkast.News Editor-in-Chief Angie Lau sits down with Da Hongfei, Co-Founder of Neo to find out about the technology and how it will affect various industries in China. Key Highlights […]

Creating a Decentralized Silicon Valley in Switzerland

Switzerland is positioning itself to become a crucial hub for the global blockchain industry as investment group Crypto Valley Venture Capital (CVVC) reports that the top 50 blockchain-related companies in the country are valued over US$40 billion in 2019. CVVC Founder and CEO Mathias Ruch told Forkast.News’ Editor-in-Chief Angie Lau that the country’s regulation and […]

Forkast.Focus | HKFinTechWeek: SFC Aims to Regulate Digital Asset Trading Platforms

Speaking from the main stage of Hong Kong FinTech Week, Securities Futures Commission (“SFC”) CEO Ashley Alder said the SFC will publish a new regulatory framework that would allow it to regulate virtual asset trading platforms. In a highly anticipated keynote speech at Asia’s largest global financial technology conference, Alder noted the new regulations will […]

WATCH: How Cryptocurrencies are Becoming an Asset Class: Marc P. Bernegger, Crypto Finance

Cryptocurrencies have become a new target for investors shying away from politically volatile alternatives. As an on-going trade war between the United States and China and the U.K.’s exit from the European Union threatens the stability of conventional markets, more and more traditional investment entities have started experimenting with decentralized assets. Forkast.News’ Editor-in-Chief Angie Lau […]

Opinion | China Moving Full Speed Ahead with Digital Currency and Regulating Blockchain

While many other countries have been taking a back seat and waiting to decide how exactly they should approach blockchain technology, China has been proactively exploring its application in decentralized finance. This week China announced a certification system to regulate a broad range of fintech products. China is clearly priming itself to become a leader […]

WATCH: In Conversation with Emma Cui: Incubating Blockchain Startups Around the World

Blockchain-related startups have dealt with a fair share of challenges and skepticism, especially throughout a tumultuous year where volatility in cryptocurrencies has shaken people’s confidence in the industry. However, investment in blockchain projects has seen continued growth, and incubators like LongHash have sought to harness that potential. Forkast.News Editor-in-Chief Angie Lau sits down with Emma […]

In Conversation with Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder of Ethereum: On Eth 2.0, Finance, and China

With Ethereum 2.0’s release just around the corner, co-founder Vitalik Buterin has been busy talking about what to expect from the new system and its use of proof-of-stake validation. Ethereum 2.0 is meant to address a number of issues that the current system has. It is billed as improving scaling, security, and other issues in […]

WATCH: Balancing Innovation and Regulation in Blockchain: Ronald Tucker

Ron Tucker, Founder and Chair of the Australian Digital Commerce Association, describes his long-running involvement in the industry and the reasoning behind his faith in the technology. As the head of a crypto exchange, Tucker has been involved in navigating and advising the regulatory steps that institutions such as FATF are taking. Contrary to concern about these new policies stymying the growth of the industry, Tucker asserts that the regulation is necessary in providing a safe environment for cryptocurrency to grow.

Opinion | Brexit Uncertainty Triggers Forex Shifts

Facing mounting uncertainty surrounding Britain’s looming departure from the European Union, the British pound has experienced a period of considerable turbulence. As is commonplace with fiat currencies, political events often have a substantial impact on the value of the pound sterling (GBP). Recent developments in British politics are no exception. Recently on Sept. 24, the […]

Opinion | How ForEx Volatility Can Exacerbate The Fallout From Climate Events and Natural Disasters

There are a multitude of factors that influence the value of currencies –- from rising political tensions, wars, major economic policy announcements, civil upheaval, and foreign trade to confidence in government. One consideration which is often overlooked is the potential effect of natural disasters. Floods, tornados, wildfires, earthquakes, and hurricanes not only put a country’s […]

How Catalonian Minister Jordi Puigneró is Using Blockchain to Change Governance

Catalonian Minister of Digital Technology and Policies Jordi Puigneró talks regulation, popular appeal, and what blockchain can do for a country. As a member of an elected public administration, Puigneró believes that he has the obligation to serve the people. In the case of blockchain, Puigneró expects that the technology will create a new class […]

Ethereum (ETHUSD) Daily MACD Trying to Positively Cross

Ethereum (ETHUSD) continued an ongoing bottoming effort this past week just below the psychologically key 200 whole figure level, trying to position for a more sustainable bounce as hinted by the bottomish weekly and daily RSI, Stochastics and MACD.  Nevertheless, before bulls get excited, most will want to first see ETHUSD reclaim the September high.  […]

Opinion | Cloud Mining: An Alternative Investment Vehicle for Bitcoin Exposure

As institutional interest in crypto grows, most investors are entering the digital asset space through OTC trading or investing in digital asset index funds. However, many institutional investors are seeking new ways of exposure to this nascent asset class that secure predictable returns without the extra steps and volatility that traditional digital assets investments involve. […]

Opinion | Why France Doesn’t Innovate and Probably Never Will

On Sept. 13, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire gave a rousing speech about innovation and technology at the OECD Global Blockchain Policy Forum in Paris.  It was a robust defense of the role of government not only in regulating and taxing technology, but having a strong say in how it is developed. Among the […]

Ethereum (ETHUSD) Weekly MACD Still Trying to Positively Cross

Ethereum (ETHUSD) slid this past week back below the psychologically key 200 whole figure level, but remains well positioned for a more sustainable bounce as hinted by the bottomish weekly and daily RSI, Stochastics, and MACD.  Nevertheless, before bulls get excited, most will want to first see ETHUSD reclaim the September high.  Any successful break […]

In Conversation with Joseph Lubin, Founder of ConsenSys: Blockchain is a Paradigm Shift for the Planet

What is the next big thing? As far as Joseph Lubin, Founder of Consensys, is concerned, we are already experiencing it as you read this. Lubin shares how blockchain is already a killer app, being used globally as a new database technology. He notes cryptocurrency is already enabling cross-border transactions that help facilitate trade and […]

Who Will Win the Race to Rule Crypto Payments?

For many people, cryptocurrencies remain an abstract idea removed from everyday life. Most people aren’t even aware of the technology. But one application that can push cryptocurrencies into the mainstream is payments. Making it easy and safe for consumers and businesses to pay bills, buy and sell stuff, and deposit and withdraw funds offer significant […]

China Telecom Introduces its Blockchain SIM Card Project

In anticipation of China Telecom’s new blockchain SIM card project, Director of its Blockchain Research and Development Departments, David Wei Liang, peaks to Angie Lau, Editor-in-Chief of Forkast.News, about the reasoning behind embarking on the project, the product’s uses and implications, and the timeline of its adoption. The time is ripe for telecom companies to […]

WATCH: OECD: The Next Big Thing — Major Developments in DLT from Industry & Governments in the Year Ahead

To celebrate the end of 2020, here is a Forkast.News editor favorite from our archives — a story that still rings fresh, true and — in a world now measured in nanoseconds — timeless. What is holding back mainstream adoption? What role do governments need or want to play? The Next Big Thing plenary panel […]

A Blockchain-Enabled SIM Card? How This Could Change Our Mobile Experience As We Know It

Distributed, Decentralized, Disintermediating While still in its infancy with regards to proven capabilities and real-life adoption, blockchain technology remains one of the looming threats for a lot of traditional business models. Its ability to directly connect third parties which can engage in exchanges of assets, data or sharing of resources, blockchain is seen as a […]

LISTEN: What are the Rules of Insider Trading When it Comes to Crypto?

The world of insider trading as relates to cryptocurrency — what are the rules that govern trading crypto, in the eyes of the SEC, CFTC, and the like? Forkast.News Editor-in-Chief, Angie Lau sits down with attorney and partner, Jason Gottlieb, at NY-based Morrison Cohen law firm to discover the in’s and out’s of trading. Listen […]

WATCH: Why is China’s Central Bank Launching a Digital Currency? Chicago Booth Economist Explains the Impact

Key Highlights “[A central bank’s digital currency is] a huge database using the hash function, chain technology. There’s no distributed ledger portal.” “[The People’s Bank of China] have been working on CBDC for about four years now.” “One of the areas where I really think blockchain could help is on trade finance. When I say […]

What Regulators Think at OECD and Why it Matters; R3’s Regulatory Head Says Adoption Relies on Governments

What are the rules? For most blockchain companies and projects, the complex landscape of regulation and policy creates business risk, which impacts not only innovation but also ultimately, mainstream adoption.  But at OECD’s second Global Blockchain Policy Forum, regulators are increasingly becoming aware of the need for concerted efforts at every government and agency levels. […]