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Articles by

Sever Moldovean

Sever is blockchain technology consultant with experience in enterprise IT and business. Previously at Petrom, Sever worked closely with automation and innovation teams to drive efficiencies across enterprise applications.

September 2019

A Blockchain-Enabled SIM Card? How This Could Change Our Mobile Experience As We Know It

Distributed, Decentralized, Disintermediating While still in its infancy with regards to proven capabilities and real-life adoption, blockchain technology remains one of the looming threats for a lot of traditional business models. Its ability to directly connect third parties which can engage in exchanges of assets, data or sharing of resources, blockchain is seen as a […]

July 2019

What is Blockchain? (And Why You Should Care)

What is blockchain? And why does it matter?  Simply put, blockchain (a form of distributed ledger technology) scales trust. If you were explaining why blockchain matters to your mother, you might tell her that she will no longer need to go through a bank to make a payment to the electric company. Or go to […]