Articles by

Anndy Lian
Anndy Lian is the chief digital advisor for the Mongolian Productivity Organization. He is also a Singapore-based partner and fund manager for Passion Venture Capital Pte. Ltd., where he oversees blockchain investments. He previously served as chairman of BigONE Exchange, a crypto trading platform registered in the Netherlands, and a founding member of Influxo, an NFT studio and marketplace. He is the author of the books “NFT: From Zero to Hero” and “Blockchain Revolution 2030.”
October 2023
Why regulated decentralized exchanges are the wave of crypto trading’s future
Bringing together the best parts of centralized and decentralized exchanges, RDEXs also take into account the inevitability of regulations.
August 2023
Why smart money is pushing the big idea of ‘purpose-bound money’: Opinion
Recently proposed by Singapore in collaboration with fintech heavy hitters, PBM can be a powerful tool for promoting accountability and efficiency, writes Anndy Lian. But it’s not without risks.
April 2023
Declaring proof of reserves is important, but it’s not enough
‘Proof of reserve’ is the new catchphrase and promise by crypto leaders eager to allay investor fears. But loopholes remain and audits might not mean what you think, writes Anndy Lian.
October 2022
The scourge of NFT wash trading — and how not to get suckered in
What are the different kinds of NFT wash trading, and what are the red flags that a prospective investor should look for? Anndy Lian explains.
May 2022
Are we heading for a post-Terra crypto winter?
Terra’s LUNA and UST implosion is dragging down an already ailing market. What do other developments suggest about crypto’s long-term future?
What’s the solution to Terra’s UST and LUNA crisis?
Terra’s LUNA and UST stablecoin implosions are roiling the crypto world and beyond. Picking up the pieces won’t be easy — nor finding a good path forward.
How Yuga Labs’ NFT sale failed to put its community first
The ‘virtual land’ sale that broke Ethereum was also a fiasco for buyers. Should Yuga Labs have seen it coming and taken preventative action?
January 2022
Where does Singapore’s crypto policy go from here?
Despite Singapore’s reputation as a crypto-friendly hub, the truth is more complicated. Is the city-state purposely keeping out small companies?
September 2021
Why DeFi holds the key to metaverse success
A profound shift is underway in online culture, writes Anndy Lian of BigOne Exchange. Here’s how decentralized finance might one day power the NFT and metaverse economy.