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Articles by

Ray Xiao

Ray Xiao is Co-Founder of IOST. IOST is an application-friendly, next-generation public blockchain infrastructure, helping decentralized app developers overcome some of the most challenging problems with mass adoption. First and foremost, IOST solves the scalability trilemma, or having to select between levels of security, scalability, and decentralization. Through a “Proof-of-Believability” consensus mechanism, IOST enables DApps to build and deploy more meaningful services on its platform, helping more everyday users experience the mass benefits of blockchain services. IOST has a global presence, with offices in Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, Berlin, San Francisco, New York, and Singapore.

August 2019

When Democracy Is Not Enough: How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Latin America

2019 is proving to be a challenging year for central banks and financial institutions across the globe. Global economic growth is slowing and a whirlwind of macroeconomic factors like the US-China trade war, diminishing demand for commodities and global monetary easing are casting a shadow over the economic health of the global financial sector.  To […]