Articles by

James Wo
James Wo is the Singapore-based founder and CEO of Digital Finance Group, a blockchain and crypto investment firm with over US$1 billion in assets under management. Previously the chairman of Ethereum Classic Labs, James is also an early investor in LedgerX, Coinlist and Circle as well as the Polkadot and Kusama networks. He has a master’s degree in applied statistics from Columbia University.
May 2023
Why are so many VCs and startups flocking back to banks?
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and others led to predictions of big shifts away from centralized finance. James Wo examines why that hasn’t happened yet.
February 2021
Capitol riot: Is political extremism tarnishing blockchain by association?
Decentralized apps like DLive are gaining attention since the violent attack on the US Capitol. How will this affect the wider adoption of blockchain DApps?
November 2020
Why DeFi is here to stay and its takeover in finance inevitable
Decentralized digital access to financial services like cryptocurrency trading, lending and borrowing is the wave of the future, writes James Wo of ETC Labs